my aged friend

i renounce the solstice as my aged friend

cerulean skies trail on to no end

as requiems cry from inconsolable seas

the crested waves wailing their saturnine pleas

winter’s cold shoulder like ice to the touch

bearing copious loss, martyring the unjust

snake eyes delight, you reap what you sow

mourning my heart lying six feet below

white dust laces the sepulcher’s gates

intricacies buried while i lie in wait

hung on the bars as i was on your words

conceding as thoughts of our past start to blur

along solemn hills, down in the depths

trudging my weight through the valley of death

frigid and callous silhouettes growing stark

no sign of her phantom unveiled in the dark

now midnight hath struck, cabin fever ensues

haunted by portraits of my foregone muse

eternal flame spreads, encased in dim light

lacking divinity, abundant in spite

a new dawn invokes the grim plight of a man

star-crossed adoration for loves guiding hand

crestfallen eyes beholding the sun

as icarus falls, and wax burns to none

“enchantress of all,” calls my dove from above

grasping for grains of our now forlorn love

though your earthly consciousness doth transcend

i’m sparing estrangement from my aged friend


laid to dust


the gaffer