Synthesis Publications

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7 lifetimes

you exist in those brief moments of bliss

after my lungs have filled,

your essence taking the shape of pure oxygen;

molecules that give life.

you exist on tear-stained paper in a tumult of words

without any meaning at all;

and I just want to keep writing.

you exist in fresh cut oranges waiting to be shared;

each half a different world within a hand.

oh, you exist between january and march;

the shortest month warped into a life lasting one, 

i sit and observe the winter morph into spring with its million poppies and blooming skies;

and you are here.

you exist in the forgotten jacket at the back of the closet with its fabric yearning to feel you once more;

i’ll wear it whenever i’m cold.

you exist in each dream my subconscious conjures, your face still holding those same wise eyes above prominent lines that mark every smile you once gave to the world.

you exist in me and in every person before and every person after;

in every morning that follows;

in every pair of eyes;

you exist/you exist/you exist