Because the Sky Looks Beautiful Tonight

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Today I won’t cry,

Because the sky looks beautiful tonight.

When the sky smiles,

It brightens the whole world’s profile

Even when night falls, 

It’s billions of eyes sparkle, both big and small.

But why when it is happy, is it so blue?

Oh, so blue…

Then when its face grays,

And its tears roll down in a blurry haze,

As it pounds electric fists of rage,

The world is a prisoner of its stormy cage,

But then the sky stops and all of its negativity is cleared.

So crystal clear.

And once again it laughs,

Gone are its thunderous claps.

And when the night is around the corner,

And it’s face blushes with reds and purples all over,

 it is still beautiful.

After all the laughing and crying and raging and blushing, oh it looks delightful!

So today I won’t cry

Because the sky still is still able to look beautiful tonight

And one day…

So will I.


