“Pearl Girl”

Courtesy of Voka

Courtesy of Voka

Has anyone ever told you how Pearls come to be?

It is a wonderful story, born from foamy sea

Sand grain slips through an oyster’s small cracks

Where it patiently waits as the pressure compacts.

The sheer force of clam’s power wills it to be so

That over time, the sand grain’s iridescence may show

When the baking is done, you’re left with a sphere

A circle so delicate to adorn a lady’s ear.

The story of a pearl is a lot like my mine:

In depth and surface, to the top we climb.

We both begin small, void in feature and function

Until circumstances inevitably succumb to our gumption.

Pearls differ from diamonds and sapphires:

Ocean’s jewels remain irreplaceable by man’s shallow desires.


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