Stage Fright
pamphlets flutter into
the wingspan of cardinal-red seats
heading westbound onto
off-broadway prospect;
delivery sublime,
or else how would a medium like ours
behead critics in the shadow
limelight refracts
Their Columns: forebode
each row in the house,
meanwhile agile whispers
take flight from one end to the other;
the curtains curtail,
but we cast our vows
to eulogize tomorrow’s performance,
UPSTAGE LEFT, an evict somehow
by understudy;
his soliloquy insults a crowd
only convinced otherwise,
taunted momentarily by a lease on time
Our spectators act to compliment
and not to virtue when
the fretful chameleons
pour out on wooden planks;
we outnumber regardless
in tried and true fashion
the wordless overtures,
exercising rhapsodic language
in the midst of hesitation;
dance ribbons the echochamber
through tailored observance,
tuning a mass temperament anent
the minute: the second act, unbegun,
flocks the balcony to their feet.