Synthesis Publications

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The Girl, the Sun, and the Moon

She grabs the Sun with her eyes,
for she’s scared to face the Moon
She’s binded in place,
by the light she doth chase,
and unwittingly builds her own tomb.

The Sun looks down in dismay,
it’s been hours since evening fell
He dare not stay long,
but the girl’s grip is strong,
so his fellow stars he cannot tell.

“Oh, why does your will clutch me so?
Will you not give me time to rest?”
But the girl pays no heed,
for she hasn’t the need,
and her will has been put to the test.

“How long can she keep up this act,
this frantic and rushed charade?”
Wonders the Moon, as she whistles a tune,
knowing full well the girl needs her aid.

Now all that remains is the choice,
does she give up her timeless game?
Does she let herself go, let the Moon her love show?
Or in limbo forever remain?