
My love is like a trampoline

Unhinged from the ground-up

So narrow a balance beam

You could tilt it with two stirrups

Until the tightrope bends, twists,

Begins slipping on yesterday’s filth-

Redeem yourself, what a treacherous gift

Both (all) ends will snap from your guilt

I sought after; a youngster banded

with her maverick set of wings

The cascading net was where I landed

Miserably and achingly on rusty springs

Admittedly, you poured gasoline

Underneath the nylon I laid my corrupt

Love, when like a trampoline

Unhinged from the ground-up

Bounced off the backboard, 

Until all was found, and none was lost.

Courtesy of Paul Olivrari, from Gnarbox

Courtesy of Paul Olivrari, from Gnarbox


How to be a Good Daughter


drowned asphalt