I Think About You

Screenshot from Happy Together

based on Happy Together (1997)

An Argentinian Christmas is

very yellow and turquoise,

shell like gleaming skin

In the blue tile bathrooms

he emerges among ancient calluses

and slim-fitting wife beaters 

while the onlooker’s white corduroy drapes

upon him like a snowy terrain,

a terrain among one evening’s murmuring district

a very strung high and sweltering neon district

beamed up with wetted teeth 

Mosquitos, tiny annoying crosses

little stars of summer’s Christmas

have nestled themselves inside The Devil’s Throat

where the beast of the mist consumes

them all, balling up like the mirage of an oasis, 

one figure diffusing outward

Making the space for him and him, 

as he’s gone and twisted up in his maelstorm

to suck in desolation’s ash and breathe it out

the pit of him on the end of his cigarette

for the man at Iguazu Falls


a ritual, an oath


girl side