Velvet Roadkill


Would you wear the Velvet Roadkill
Don’t mind where it comes from
Just take your pill
You’d look so dashing on the runway
When you find what it’s made of
Just look away

You might mind the smell
You might burn in Hell
But you’ll look so well
Don’t be a bitch they say
Only the rich live this way
But you could be famous for a day
You could be out pretty little road shill
Serving two masters, us and the dollar bill
We could make you into velvet
Or you could remain roadkill

You’re an American
So chase the dream
And be our fiend
So you have to say things you don’t mean
So you have to cease to be a human being
But it’s better still
To be the Velvet Queen
Then Velvet Roadkill

Make up your mind quick
We don’t have time it’s
A half past the present
It’ll be the future soon
You still haven’t decided if you’ll work for you
Or if you’ll work for me
Let us decide who you’ll be
Let us make you into something big
Or we’ll leave you on this street
We’ll give you a ride to stardom
You won’t make it with just your feet
Take my hand and put on the Velvet Roadkill
Drink this so your mind can sit still
Sit back and enjoy the ride
Next stop, blue collar genocide


boarding pass (the round-trip)


Sea Shells